Front View of the 2011 Chevrolet Volt

Used Auto Sales: 4 of the Fastest Selling Used Vehicles

Buying a car can be a little intimidating if you’re not working with a reputable new or used car dealership. Luckily, there are plenty of great options on the market that you and your family will love. Especially for used cars, since these vehicles are extremely affordable and rarely sacrifice any quality since automakers have been utilizing top-of-the-line auto technology for the past decade or so.

Used cars make up three of four auto sales in the United States. The average days spent on the market for all used vehicles is approximately 46.4 days. Some of the most popular used cars only last around 35 or even fewer days, however. Here are some of the best used vehicle options on the market today:

  • Honda Accord — You can drive around for 15 minutes just about anywhere in the country and you’ll probably see multiple Accords on the road. That’s because this is not only a reliable and affordable vehicle but one that looks great, too. Honda Accords typically spend 35.5 days on the auto market.
  • Toyota Prius C — Over the last few years, a major shift has occurred in the auto market — and that’s the increasing popularity of Prius and electric/hybrid cars.

    “The performance of hybrid and electric cars, especially the Prius, has helped consumers abandon their initial concerns about battery life, and this perception change has contributed to the rising popularity of these vehicles,” said Phong Ly, CEO of iSeeCars.

    The Toyota Prius C is no exception and is actually the fastest-selling used vehicle today, remaining on the market for an average of only 29.6 days.

  • Tesla Model S — Though not everybody considers buying a used Tesla because affordability isn’t exactly it’s strong point, this vehicle is still a popular option for many U.S. drivers. The Tesla Model S stays on the auto market for about 32.4 days.
  • Chevrolet Volt — This vehicle is also a plug-in hybrid and has been enjoyed by U.S. drivers since 2011. This vehicle is affordable, environmentally friendly, and only stays on used car dealership lots for an average of 34.3 days.

If you want to check out some terrific used cars for sale and work with a trusted used car dealership, give Auto Sales and Service a visit today!

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