Testing battery efficiency of a vehicle

How Often Should I Get My Car Battery Replaced?

Signs that Your Car Battery Needs Replacement 

Is your car having trouble starting lately? It might be time to check your battery. A failing battery can leave you stranded at the most inconvenient times. But how do you know when it’s time to replace it? Here are some telltale signs that your car battery needs replacement. If you’d like expert assistance with the repair and maintenance of your vehicle, feel free to drop by Auto Sales and Service in Indianapolis, IN. 

Slow Engine Crank 

If you notice that your engine is taking longer than usual to crank or start, it could indicate a weakening battery. A healthy battery provides the necessary power to start the engine quickly, so any delay might signal trouble. 

Dashboard Warning Light 

Modern vehicles are equipped with warning lights that indicate various issues, including battery problems. If you see a battery warning light illuminated on your dashboard, it’s a clear indication that something is amiss with your battery and it’s time for a check-up. 

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Dimming Lights 

Do your headlights or interior lights seem dimmer than usual? Dimming lights, especially when you’re using other electrical components like the air conditioner or radio, can point to a failing battery. This happens because the battery struggles to maintain a consistent power supply. 

Corroded battery case
A technician placing new battery into a vehicle

Corroded Terminals 

Check the battery terminals for any signs of corrosion or buildup. Corrosion can interfere with the connection between the battery and the vehicle’s electrical system, leading to starting issues or even complete failure. 

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Frequent Jump Starts 

If you find yourself frequently needing jump starts to get your car running, it’s a clear sign that your battery is struggling to hold a charge. While jump-starting can provide a temporary solution, it’s not a sustainable fix. 

Get Instant Vehicle Repair Services in Indianapolis, IN 

Don’t wait until you’re stranded on the side of the road to address battery issues. If you notice any of these signs, visit Auto Sales and Service for a battery inspection and potential replacement. Taking proactive measures can save you time, money, and hassle in the long run, ensuring your vehicle stays reliable and ready to go whenever you need it. Schedule a service appointment with us today!

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